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We live in a world that craves justice. But what transforms us to truly seek justice, even at cost to ourselves? And what enables us to do so in a way that also offers mercy? Stephen Um opens up the book of Micah, showing how God’s call to his people then is God’s call to his people now—a call to so enjoy the gospel that we are freed to seek true justice and offer real mercy. This minor prophet...

Look at what it says in Micah’s (or rather, God’s) indictment. Micah 1:10–15 lists out names of towns that are hard to pronounce. Why are they included? First of all, because Micah is tracing out the path of the Assyrian army, which would ultimately end up overtaking Israel. These are all the places that its king, Sennacherib, would come to in order to take control over these regions. This is the path of the means of God’s judgment. Second, Micah is also trying to show that even though these cities
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